Home Improvement

Preventing Porch Pirates

Retail therapy can be a joyful experience, much like the thrill of unwrapping birthday gifts when you come home to a pile of online shopping deliveries. Unfortunately, this joy can quickly be clouded by a common threat: porch pirates.

As online shopping continues to grow, new challenges arise that jeopardize the safe delivery of your items. Porch pirates, or thieves who target unattended packages, often roam neighborhoods in search of parcels left on porches or doorsteps. Research shows that nearly 24% of adults have fallen victim to package theft, prompting 64% to take additional security steps when making online purchases.

Your porch or front step becomes an easy target when you aren’t home. Without secure delivery options, the chances of theft increase significantly. While it might be a hassle to adjust your delivery preferences or invest in protective measures, the advantages are clear. Mobile surveillance trailers, for example, can not only confirm the arrival of packages but also provide footage of theft if it occurs, offering both peace of mind and valuable evidence for authorities.

Porch pirates tend to target areas with high package volumes, knowing that the likelihood of getting caught is low. Unfortunately, many cases of theft go unreported as stolen goods are often quickly replaced. If you find yourself a victim of porch piracy, it’s wise to contact the seller, file a police report, and improve your security to prevent future incidents.

As online shopping continues to expand, so do the opportunities for thieves to strike. For more tips on how to prevent porch piracy, check out the accompanying infographic.