
Unique Facts About Plumbing That You Might Not Know

Installing a plumbing system is extremely important for both commercial and residential properties. It enables people to control water, get rid of all the waste and also receive fresh water for cooking and drinking. 

If a problem takes place, the professional and reliable Plumber Crows Nest can offer their assistance in replacing or refixing the parts that are causing issues. Besides that, they will also take the responsibility of installing the plumbing system on your property. 

The Plumber Crows Nest can also provide you with many other services related to plumbing without much hassle. Despite all that, there are certain facts about plumbing that you might not have heard of. Let’s find out!

1. World’s oldest sewer dates back to 30,000 BCE

The oldest plumbing system in the world was uncovered in the wrecks of the Indus Valley in India, which dates back to 4000 BCE. The experts even discovered an interior plumbing system at the Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt, which is around 2500 old.

Archaeologists also found out that the ancient Egyptians utilised copper piping, such as the modern-day plumbing. However, the elaborated sewer systems of ancient times are situated in Rome, Italy. 

The “Cloaca Maxima”, which means “Great Sewer”, was constructed during the 6th or 7th century. The previous systems only carried out rainwater, but this particular system was used for draining out the marshland and carrying the waste to the Tiber River.

2. Basic hygiene expectations

During the old times, people used to think that it was not vital to take showers regularly. But these days, people completely disagree with it.

Back in the 19th century, many cities, especially in the US, made it illegal to take baths during the winter without the permission of a physician. 

It mainly occurred because of the lack of rules put into the water standards and sewage systems. People can easily fall sick when they bathe too much because they get exposed to all the dirty water. 

3. Modern-day plumbing systems can save lives 

Many individuals were not really interested in installing the indoor plumbing system. It’s primarily because they thought that it would be pretty expensive and viewed as a luxury instead of a necessity. But these days, many people disagree with that statement. 

The indoor plumbing system gained more popularity back in the 19th century. It’s mainly because people started to realise the benefits of proper sanitisation and clean water. 

But, during the 20th century, many rules were established to make the indoor plumbing system much better and safer for people to use. The introduction of indoor plumbing systems has prevented people from falling ill.

4. The invention of the Toilet

In 1596, Sir John Harington invented the first-ever flush toilet in England. Sir Harington’s contraption utilised a flushed valve that helped release the water present inside the tank. 

For Queen Elizabeth, Sir Harington was a lifesaver because she was a keen user of his invention. Even though Sir Harington’s invention was not accepted by the rest of the world, it still started to gain more popularity. 

But another Englishman named Thomas Crapper, who was a professional plumber made the flushing toilets a lot more popular. Back in the 1800s, he just replaced the floating valve system with the siphon system. 

This made the toilets a lot more user-friendly, and I was able to advertise this particular Toilet to everyone. Nowadays, every home has these toilets, and these toilets are still known as “The Crapper”. 

5. The sensor toilets

All the toilets that flush according to the sensors instead of touching the handle are still pretty new, even in today’s world. These toilets started in Japan 40 years ago. The nation planned to export these newly-created toilets to all the other nations. 

But Japan was pretty slow to reach out to the general public, and due to such reasons, it did not get the recognition it deserved. 

Compared to that, the electronic faucets back in the 1950s did not get to see commercial usage after 30 years when all the sensor-based toilets became a lot more popular.

6. Bathroom and its various names 

Depending heavily on where a person resides, a bathroom has many names. You will certainly hear a different name than the one you’re used to hearing. 

When you have visited Asian and European countries, you will see and hear “water closet” written right outside of the restroom at a public place. 

The most universally popular name for the bathroom is “Lavatory”, which is used across many nations. The origins of all these names are mostly linked with the history of the nation it began from.

Final Words

The plumbing system is used all over the world, and you will find them in every public place, office and home. The interesting and unique facts mentioned in this post will give you an idea of where and how the plumbing system started. 

But apart from that, if you do need some help with the plumbing system on your property, you can contact the professional plumbers from Izzy Plumbing Services. They offer 24×7 emergency plumbing services to all their clients within a given time.